Employee Benefits
Our team is always looking for exceptionally talented people who want to bring their career to the next level.
Gain experience in all aspects of roofing, contribute to all phases of a project, and have a level of responsibility that makes you sure that what you’re doing is making a difference.

Top-level support and training provides employees with the foundation they need in order to carry out the standard we hold ourselves to throughout the company. Mentorship is key within our training process.

You scratch our backs we’ll scratch yours. Increase in salary, bonuses, and extra PTO are all just a tip of the iceberg.

Growing Salary
As the company grows, so does your bi-weekly paycheck. Stick around for a while and see how we show our appreciation with annual raises.

How We Take Care Of Employees
Healthy employees are happy employees. Healthy doesn’t only mean physical health either. We take mental health serious as well. Our business model revolves around our employees being at their best on and off the job – if there’s anything we can do to help, we’re more than happy to. We constantly evolve our employee policies based on previous employee feedback. Perks and benefits never hurt, either.
I actually enjoy going to work everyday. Each time I show up to the job site, it's a learning experience working with such a knowledgeable group of people.
Adam Bregin

The Hiring Process
Interested in working with us? Fill out a contact form and we’ll get back to you shortly!
Apply for the job with your resume included. We like to be able to get a feel for you before we talk.
Seeing whether or not you’re a good fit for the team, and are a team player are two major components to what we look for in an employee.
Decision Time
You may think the decision falls on us, but in reality you decide your own fate. Put your best foot forward and we’ll be in touch!